
The Difference 
We Make

Personalized Plan

We know that no two individuals are alike. That's why BEqualise offers personalized training programs, tailored nutrition plans, brain exercises, and active relaxation elements that suit your unique needs and goals.

holistic approach

BEqualise guides you step by step into a protocol to regain balance. We provide you with different tools following an holistic multidisciplinary approach to steadily reclaim your equilibrium and become the best version of yourself. True health can be achieved only when considering the mind, body connection. Hence in our program we combine different expertise from nutrition, to mindfulness to vestibular experts.

doctor platform

BEqualise helps patients to identify the right specialists closest to them. We provide also doctors not only with the chance to promote their activities in our app but also to use our tools to diagnose and manage dizzy patients. We built a Decision Support System in a new supportive platform for doctor.

worldwide connections

Our diverse and international team of experts is spread across the globe. They've come together to create BEqualise, bringing their knowledge and experience to your doorstep. We believe in breaking down geographical boundaries to ease, educate, and empower balance-disordered women wherever they are.

How we work

BEqualise guides you step by step into a protocol to regain balance.
We provide you with different tools following an holistic multidisciplinary approach to steadily reclaim your equilibrium and become the best version of yourself. True health can be achieved only when considering the mind, body connection. Hence in our program we combine different expertise from nutrition, to mindfulness to vestibular experts.
BEqualise is committed to improve the lives of women who are dealing with vestibular disorders with a holistic approach.

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